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Dom Parser Chrome Extension Memory Leak

The problem I have developed an extension that intercepts web requests, gets the HTML the web request originated from and processes it. I have used the DOMParser to parse the HTML

Solution 1:

I have resolved the problem. It seems like the issue was because the DOMParser class for some reason kept the references of the HTML documents it parsed in memory and didn't release it. Because my extension is a Chrome extension that runs in the background, exaggerates this problem.

The solution was to use another method of parsing the HTML document which was to use

letparseHtml = (html) => {
    let template = document.createElement('template');
    template.innerHTML = html;
    return template; 

This helped resolve the issue.

Solution 2:

You are basically replicating the entire DOM in memory and then never releasing the memory.

We get away with this in a client side app because when we navigate away, the memory used by the scripts on that page is recovered.

In a background script, that doesn't happen and is now your responsibility.

So set both parser and document to null when you are done using it.

chrome.webRequest.onCompleted.addListener(async request => {
    if (request.tabId !== -1) {
        let html = awaitgetHtmlForTab(request.tabId);
        let parser = newDOMParser();
        letdocument = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html");
        let title = document.querySelector("title").textContent;
        parser = null; // <----- DO THISdocument = null; // <----- DO THIS
}, requestFilter);

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